Our KMC salt and pepper seasoning mix really can be used for almost anything. We are proud to have crafted a healthy seasoning product that makes dishes tastier and spicer, even for people who are looking to lose a few calories.
Salt and pepper seasoning is a favourite for Chinese cuisine, so much so that KMC Seasoning is the perfect ingredient for foodies interested in making their own ‘fakeaway’. From the much-loved salt and pepper chips to spicy chicken wings, these salt and pepper recipes only come alive when applying a generous amount of salt and pepper seasoning.
We want you to use our salt and pepper seasoning however you like. To help you out a little bit, we’ve curated our recommended list of salt and pepper seasoning recipes for you to use as you please. For inspiration for tonight’s meal, just click on a salt and pepper recipe below, follow the simple instructions, and most of all…enjoy!

In addition to the recipes below, you can replace your table salt and pepper with our KMC seasoning, injecting an extra burst of flavour. The seasoning can be used before – with – and after cooking.
Why not replace your table salt with our flavour bursting seasoning. Try it on:
- Chicken / Ribs
- Cheese on Toast
- Jacket Potatoes
- Pasta
- Noodles & Stir Fries
- Corn on the Cob
- Tuna Mayo
- Chips
- Prawns / Fish
- Omelettes
- Add to your batter
Why not spice up your BBQ this summer by adding our seasonings on practically any meat or fish of your choosing – it’s truly so versatile that it can be used on almost anything.